Biomass kitchens: advantages and benefits for sustainable cooking

BIOMASS KITCHENS ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS FOR SUSTAINABLE COOKING   Biomass cookstoves are an environmentally friendly and sustainable choice, using renewable biological materials such as wood, pellets, and agricultural residues. These renewable fuel sources not only help to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, but also help to decrease environmental impact. Below, we explore the main benefits…

Pellet price in April 2023 falls again

PELLET PRICE IN APRIL 2023 FALLS AGAIN   During the first part of 2023, the reduction in consumer pellet prices continued, after a year of increases. Surveys in April 2023 carried out by AIEL – the Italian Agroforestry Energy Association – show that, after a turbulent year, the price of pellets has returned to levels…

Progetto Fuoco: from Piemmeti to Veronafiere

PROGETTO FUOCO: FROM PIEMMETI TO VERONAFIERE   In recent weeks, the merger by incorporation of Piemmeti SpA – a company 100% owned by Veronafiere – into the parent company Veronafiere SpA, which was resolved last December by the Shareholder’s Meeting of Veronafiere, is being completed. This operation is part of the rationalization plan of the companies of the…